Home » Shop by Product » The PDM Shop - Blackbox, Motec, Cartek Stockists and Blink Marine » BLACKBOX P14 POWER CONTROL MODULE WITH CAN
$1,575.00 ea
P14 features:
- 14 high side output channels. 6 x 22 Amp and 8 x 10 Amp continuous outputs
- Outputs can be combined for higher output current
- Programmable output current and fuse reset time and count
- 10 Switch Inputs. Configurable switch active state. Active when connected to power, ground or floating (3 state, center-off type switches)
- Programmable CAN bus inputs and outputs that can be configured to read and send data from ECU (engine control unit) and dashboards
- Compatible with 24 volt systems
- Programmable functions including True, False, AND, OR, Flash, Pulse Train, PWM ramp, Toggle and Set/Reset to control such things as Turning Indicators, Hazard and Emergency lights. Counters and Keypad indicator controls can also be created and configured